
TubeView -filter
version in actionScript 3.0, using two DisplacementMapFilters
... scroll the mouse wheel for zooming or use arrows Up and Down

But why two displacementMaps ? 'cos one can only shift a pixel 
within a range of -127*scale to 127*scale pixels !				

The idea breafly with some extracts from the code: 

// creating two displacementMaps, 
// we have the needed displacement (dx, dy),
// from that amount the lower bytes create 'dismapLo', the higher 'dismapHi'


var green:int = dx*0x10 +0x8080; // multiplied by 16: 
var blue:int  = dy*0x10 +0x8080; // smallest shift 1/16 pixel for better quality

dismapHi.setPixel(x,y, (green & 0xFF00) | (blue>>8) );
dismapLo.setPixel(x,y, (green & 0xFF) <<8 | (blue & 0xFF) );


// nb: the scaling of bitmaps !
var displaceHi:DisplacementMapFilter= new DisplacementMapFilter(dismapHi,
	new Point(x-bmp.width,y-bmp.height),
	BitmapDataChannel.GREEN, BitmapDataChannel.BLUE,
	0x1000,0x1000, // larger shift !
	DisplacementMapFilterMode.COLOR, 0x0,0.0); 
	// use mode īCOLORī gives the effect on the edges of the bitmap
var displaceLo:DisplacementMapFilter= new DisplacementMapFilter(dismapLo,
	new Point(x-bmp.width,y-bmp.height),
	BitmapDataChannel.GREEN, BitmapDataChannel.BLUE,
	0x10,0x10,	// smaller shift !
	DisplacementMapFilterMode.COLOR, 0x0,0.0);
bmp.applyFilter(bmpOriginal,new Rectangle(0,0,bmp.width,bmp.height), new Point(0,0) ,displaceHi);
bmp.applyFilter(bmp,new Rectangle(0,0,bmp.width,bmp.height), new Point(0,0) ,displaceLo);


by Petri Leskinen, Feb 2008		
